Hi guys!
I would like to share with you my digital book... take a look!
Let's Learn English through Movies!
quinta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2010
terça-feira, 30 de novembro de 2010
Can you guess?
Hi guys!
Can you guess what movie is described in this cloud? Take your guess!

Original text: http://www.movies.com/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-fellowship-of-the-ring/details/m29938
Can you guess what movie is described in this cloud? Take your guess!
Original text: http://www.movies.com/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-fellowship-of-the-ring/details/m29938
segunda-feira, 29 de novembro de 2010
sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2010
Hi guys!!
This is the list of released movies in 2010. Check it out and answer the question on our Wallwisher!
Em Busca De Uma Nova Chance
This is the list of released movies in 2010. Check it out and answer the question on our Wallwisher!
400 Contra 1 – Uma História do Crime Organizado
A Caixa
A Epidemia
A Estrada
A Fita Branca
A Hora do Pesadelo
A Jovem Rainha Victoria
A Lenda dos Guardiões
A Origem
À Prova de Morte
A Ressaca
A Suprema Felicidade
A Todo Volume
A Última Música
A Vida Durante a Guerra
Alice no País das Maravilhas
Alvin e os Esquilos 2
Amor à Distância
Amor Extremo
Amor sem Escalas
Antes Que o Mundo Acabe
As Melhores Coisas do Mundo
As Múmias do Faraó
Astro Boy
Atividade Paranormal 2
Atração Perigosa
Atraídos pelo Crime
Avatar: Edição Especial
Baaria – A Porta do Vento
Batalha por TERRA
Brilho de Uma Paixão
Caçador de Recompensas
Cadê os Morgan?
Carros Usados, Vendedores Pirados
Cartas para Julieta
Caso 39
Chico Xavier
Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky
Coincidências do Amor
Comer Rezar Amar
Como Cães e Gatos 2
Como Treinar o seu Dragão
Confusões em Família
Contatos de 4º Grau
Coração Louco
Destinos Ligados
Deu a Louca nos Bichos
Direito de Amar
Dupla Implacável
Encontro Explosivo
Entre Irmãos
Esquadrão Classe A
Eu e Meu Guarda-Chuva
Flor do Deserto
Fúria de Titãs
Garfield 3D – Um Super-Herói Animal
Gente Grande
Guerra ao Terror
H2: Halloween 2
Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte – Parte 1
High School Musical: O Desafio
Homem de Ferro 2
Homens em Fúria
Homens Que Encaravam Cabras
Idas e Vindas do Amor
Ilha do Medo
Instinto de Vingança
Jackass 3D
Jogos Mortais – O Final
Juntos pelo Acaso
Karate Kid
Kick-Ass – Quebrando Tudo
Lula, o Filho do Brasil
Maré de Azar
Mary e Max – Uma Amizade Diferente
Meu Malvado Favorito
Minhas Mães e Meu Pai
Missão Quase Impossível
Muita Calma Nessa Hora
Nanny McPhee e as Lições Mágicas
Ninja Assassino
Nosso Lar
O Amor Acontece
O Aprendiz de Feiticeiro
O Bem Amado
O Escritor Fantasma
O Fada do Dente
O Fim da Escuridão
O Golpista do Ano
O Homem que Engarrafava Nuvens
O Livro de Eli
O Lobisomem
O Mensageiro
O Mundo Imaginário do Doutor Parnassus
O Preço da Traição
O Profeta
O Segredo dos Seus Olhos
O Solteirão
O Último Exorcismo
O Último Mestre do Ar
Onde Vivem os Monstros
Os Famosos e os Duendes da Morte
Os Homens Que Não Amavam as Mulheres
Os Mercenários
Os Vampiros que se Mordam
Pânico na Neve
Par Perfeito
Percy Jackson e O Ladrão de Raios
Piranha 3D
Plano B
Ponyo – Uma Amizade que Veio do Mar
Premonição 4
Príncipe da Pérsia: As Areias do Tempo
Querido John
Quincas Berro D’Água
REC 2 – Possuídos
Red – Aposentados e Perigosos
Resident Evil 4: Recomeço
Robin Hood
Scott Pilgrim Contra o Mundo
Segurança Nacional
Sentimento de Culpa
Sex and the City 2
Sherlock Holmes
Shrek Para Sempre
Simplesmente Complicado
Solomon Kane – O Caçador de Demônios
Soul Kitchen
Surpresa em Dobro
The Runaways – Garotas do Rock
Toy Story 1 – 3D
Toy Story 2 – 3D
Toy Story 3
Tropa de Elite 2
Tudo Pode dar Certo
Um Homem Misterioso
Um Homem Sério
Um Olhar do Paraíso
Um Parto de Viagem
Um Sonho Possível
Uma Mãe em Apuros
Uma Noite Fora de Série
Vício Frenético
Vidas Que Se Cruzam
Wall Street 2: O Dinheiro Nunca Dorme
Zona Verde
segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010
The Twilight Saga - Quiz
Hi Guys!!
Do you really know The Twilight Saga? Test your knowledge about it!
Do you really know The Twilight Saga? Test your knowledge about it!
domingo, 14 de novembro de 2010
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Podcast about Eclipse:
Who's In It: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Bryce Dallas Howard, Xavier Samuel, Elisabeth Reaser, Nikki Reed, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Ashley Greene, Billy Burke, Sarah Clarke, Julia Jones, Chaske Spencer, Alex Meraz, Bronson Pelletier, Kiowa Gordon, Booboo Stewart, Christian Serratos, Michael Welch, Justin Chon, Anna Kendrick, Dakota Fanning
The Basics: High school senior Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), newly reunited with her sparkly vampire boyfriend, is now struggling with the decisions that every teenage girl must face: Have sex or stay chaste? Go to college or go undead? Team Edward (Robert Pattinson) or Team Jacob (Taylor Lautner)? Giving Bella's life even more of a sense of urgency is a new threat by the vampire Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard) and her army of zombie-like "newborns," who wreak havoc across Seattle before heading straight for Forks, WA with one objective: kill Bella Swan. Will Bella quit making out with both of her supernatural beaus long enough to let them protect her? Will male audiences dig the violence enough to forget the super-talky relationship convos and the bland emo-rock soundtrack? And if a Twi-hard squeals in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does she really make a sound?
What's The Deal: As with the previous two Twilight films, one's enjoyment is directly proportionate to one's familiarity with and love for Stephenie Meyer's source novels. Fans with dog-eared copies of Eclipse should be delighted with screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg's faithfulness to the book, allowing for slight changes that up the cinematic ante as needed -- and they'll certainly shriek over the numerous makeout scenes that Rosenberg has generously sprinkled throughout. (ZOMG!) But while director David Slade (30 Days of Night) does an admirable job of keeping Meyer's sprawling story on pace and gives handsome visual life to Eclipse with the help of returning DP Javier Aguirresarobe, the script spends too much time on long stretches of plot-building dialogue and torrid, tortured conversations to really captivate the uninitiated. Granted, that fidelity is essential if you want to please the hardcore. But Meyer's third book had the potential to be adapted into the kind of truly dark and action-packed third film that could bring new viewers to the franchise, and even as the most balanced of the three Twilight films thus far, Eclipse is not quite the departure from formula that it promised to be.
Full review in http://www.movies.com/movie-reviews/the-twilight-saga-eclipse-review/jen-yamato/m60142
Who's In It: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Bryce Dallas Howard, Xavier Samuel, Elisabeth Reaser, Nikki Reed, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Ashley Greene, Billy Burke, Sarah Clarke, Julia Jones, Chaske Spencer, Alex Meraz, Bronson Pelletier, Kiowa Gordon, Booboo Stewart, Christian Serratos, Michael Welch, Justin Chon, Anna Kendrick, Dakota Fanning
The Basics: High school senior Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), newly reunited with her sparkly vampire boyfriend, is now struggling with the decisions that every teenage girl must face: Have sex or stay chaste? Go to college or go undead? Team Edward (Robert Pattinson) or Team Jacob (Taylor Lautner)? Giving Bella's life even more of a sense of urgency is a new threat by the vampire Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard) and her army of zombie-like "newborns," who wreak havoc across Seattle before heading straight for Forks, WA with one objective: kill Bella Swan. Will Bella quit making out with both of her supernatural beaus long enough to let them protect her? Will male audiences dig the violence enough to forget the super-talky relationship convos and the bland emo-rock soundtrack? And if a Twi-hard squeals in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does she really make a sound?
What's The Deal: As with the previous two Twilight films, one's enjoyment is directly proportionate to one's familiarity with and love for Stephenie Meyer's source novels. Fans with dog-eared copies of Eclipse should be delighted with screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg's faithfulness to the book, allowing for slight changes that up the cinematic ante as needed -- and they'll certainly shriek over the numerous makeout scenes that Rosenberg has generously sprinkled throughout. (ZOMG!) But while director David Slade (30 Days of Night) does an admirable job of keeping Meyer's sprawling story on pace and gives handsome visual life to Eclipse with the help of returning DP Javier Aguirresarobe, the script spends too much time on long stretches of plot-building dialogue and torrid, tortured conversations to really captivate the uninitiated. Granted, that fidelity is essential if you want to please the hardcore. But Meyer's third book had the potential to be adapted into the kind of truly dark and action-packed third film that could bring new viewers to the franchise, and even as the most balanced of the three Twilight films thus far, Eclipse is not quite the departure from formula that it promised to be.
Full review in http://www.movies.com/movie-reviews/the-twilight-saga-eclipse-review/jen-yamato/m60142
sexta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2010
House (A Casa do Espanto)
This is the first movie memory I have recorded in my mind. Maybe this was the reason for my passion for terror movies... Yeah, I love terror movies!!!
I still remember of this film, after almost twenty five years latter... I was a five year-old child and I watched this movie totally alone at home... and guess what: I really enjoyed it!! Ok.. this is a strange taste for a child... but since then I noticed my passion for this kind of movie.
And you? Do you like Terror movies? Do you remember the first movie you have ever watched?? Tell us!!
This is the first movie memory I have recorded in my mind. Maybe this was the reason for my passion for terror movies... Yeah, I love terror movies!!!
I still remember of this film, after almost twenty five years latter... I was a five year-old child and I watched this movie totally alone at home... and guess what: I really enjoyed it!! Ok.. this is a strange taste for a child... but since then I noticed my passion for this kind of movie.
And you? Do you like Terror movies? Do you remember the first movie you have ever watched?? Tell us!!
A mild box-office hit for New World Pictures, this lightweight attempt at horror parody from Friday the 13th producer Sean S. Cunningham stars former Greatest American Hero William Katt as a best-selling pop-horror novelist Roger Cobb (à la Stephen King) who suffers an insurmountable case of writer's block after separation from his soap-star wife (Kay Lenz) and the disappearance of their young son. Hoping to purge his personal demons by writing his Vietnam War memoirs, he moves into the massive mansion once occupied by his deceased aunt (who hanged herself in her bedroom), and finds himself surrounded by demons of a completely different kind. Roger takes the weirdness in stride, attempting to face down marauding monsters, interdimensional trap doors, and other supernatural horrors while concealing his predicament from the neighbors (except for the befuddled Harold Gorton [George Wendt], who tries gamely to play along with Roger's hare-brained monster-fighting schemes). ~ Cavett Binion, All Movie Guide
Release date: February, 28, 1986
Director: Steve Miner
Cast: William Katt, George Wendt, Richard Moll, Kay Lenz, Mary Stavin.
Source: http://www.movies.com/
Release date: February, 28, 1986
Director: Steve Miner
Cast: William Katt, George Wendt, Richard Moll, Kay Lenz, Mary Stavin.
Source: http://www.movies.com/
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